Alice Archer A graduate in sculpture and fine art, an emphasis on intricacy lies at the core of Alice Archer’s brand. Viewing clothes through the prism of her artist’s eye, she has become renowned for stitching climbing patterns of flora and festooning bursts of fauna onto dresses and jackets. Archer’s big break was when she was spotted by Simon Burstein, then the CEO of Browns, who was so transfixed by a stitched boot she had made, that he commissioned her to create a capsule collection for the store. Archer’s burgeoning brand points to a broader cultural movement, too: the growing popularity of making, and craft. People want to buy pieces that will last, and are imbued with a story. Naturally, then, customers gravitate to Archer, and many of the pieces that she makes are bespoke. And her most unusual commission? Embroidering a magnolia tree for the archbishop of Canterbury to give to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge as a wedding gift.
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